Preparing for a hard exam has not been so simple

Get ready for the 2021-Fall FDP® Exam

Earn your FDP® credential with a step-by-step review of each learning objective (LO). The course has been developed by an FDP® Charter holder team.  We know how hard the exam is and how to study to pass it.

Exam preparation kit

Seven good reasons why the course is a "must" in order to pass the FDP® exam

High standard for excellence

Quick overview

FDP® exam

In addition to the successful completion of the online course covering the basics of Python or R programming (which is quite manageable and does not pose a major challenge), the candidate must demonstrate proficiency in the FDP® curriculum content, which consists of more than 480 learning objectives (LOs).

The candidate must undergo a learning journey of more than 250 hours, during which he/she must read and retain the knowledge from approximately 27 professional articles and 17 chapters of the 3 assigned books.

482 LOs

The candidate must be competent in more than 480 learning objectives

27 Articles

The candidate must read 27 professional articles

17 book chapters

The candidate must read 17 chapters from 3 books


What is challenging about the FDP® exam?

The challenge

In order to pass the exam, you must be competent in more than 480 learning objectives, read hundreds of pages of the articles and books assigned to you, and memorize their key content. For most of us, this is a gargantuan challenge, particularly retaining in our memory the key concepts during the preparatory period, as day-to-day work absorbs most of our time and attention in the meantime.

Our solution

No problem, we have made your life easier by

  • Distilling and summarizing the key LO takeaways from the readings in the review notes
  • Logically structuring the review notes for easy retrieval and quick review
  • Preparing hundreds of practice quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding of the material

The most effective and least time-consuming exam preparation strategy

What should you do?

During the preparatory period

  • Quickly read the assigned reading covering the target learning objectives
  • Go through the review notes
  • Test your knowledge with the LO quiz questions

The last two weeks before the exam

  • Go through the review notes thoroughly
  • Take a few quizzes
COntent Overview

The ultimate FDP® exam preparation kit

We have facilitated your learning experience by structuring and covering everything essential for understanding the exam material.

Quick review

All 480 LOs are summarized for quick review

We offer the most efficient way to learn the exam material

Practice makes you stronger

More than 500 hundred quizzes to test your knowledge

Doing practice quizzes is an excellent way to test your knowledge and understanding of the material.

Limited time only
Pricing Plan

Special promotion



$ 525
  • Same features as Standard plan


$ 749
  • Review Notes
  • All Learning Objectives
  • 500 plus quizzes


  • Same features as Standard plan
  • Integrated services (optional)